LED Light Therapy is a pain-free and non-invasive skincare treatment that stimulates your skin’s natural healing process. LED – or Light Emitting Diode – Therapy uses varying low-level wavelengths of light, including red and blue, to rejuvenate the skin at a cellular level. The soothing and highly penetrative LED lights reach deep into skin cells, heightening their internal functions and photo-stimulating dermal blood flow.
NASA originally developed LED light therapy for plant growth experiments on shuttle missions and later found it to have promise for wound treatment. LED light therapy is now used aestheticians to help regenerate the skin from aging. It’s also a great treatment used for acne and pigmentation disorders.
The result? Faster healing, so your skin always looks rejuvenated. Used before and after other skin treatments, LED Therapy speeds up healing, reduces downtime and accelerates results.
Appointment CancellationWhen you book an appointment with us, you secure a dedicated slot on our calendar that becomes unavailable to other patients. To respect both our business and fellow patients, please notify us as soon as possible if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment.
Advance NoticeTo accommodate other patients and optimize our schedule, we request that you provide us with at least 48 hours' notice for appointment cancellations or reschedules.
Cancellation ProcessIf you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please call us at 6243 4632. You can also leave a detailed voicemail message if necessary. Voicemail messages are time and date stamped, and we honour them if the required time frame is provided. We will return your call with 48 hours to acknowledge your message and make any relevant changes to your appointment. If you are trying to reschedule your appointment more than 48 hours before your appointment time, you can also click on the link in your confirmation email which will allow you to cancel or reschedule your appointment. If you have cancelled your appointment within the required time frame, you are entitled to a refund of your deposit. In this case, please call the clinic directly and they will process this refund for you.
Late Cancellations/Reschedules/No-ShowsA cancellation or reschedule is considered "late" when done less than 48 hours before the scheduled appointment. A "no-show" occurs when a patient misses an appointment without cancelling. In both cases, the deposit paid to secure the initial appointment will be forfeited as a missed appointment fee.
Our Small Business ConsiderationAs a small business, last-minute cancellations, reschedule requests, and no-shows have a significant impact on our operations. We kindly request your understanding and cooperation in notifying us as soon as possible if you need to make changes to your appointment.
Refund PolicyWe do not provide refunds for services provided at out clinic or any products that are purchased and removed from the clinic.
Contact UsFor any questions or concerns related to our Cancellation, Reschedule & Refund Policy, please feel free to reach out to us at: Beauty Lab & Laser: (03) 6243 4632 Email: nabynicky@outlook.com
AcknowledgementBy using our services, you acknowledge having read, understood, and agreed to this Cancellation, Reschedule & Refund Policy. This policy was last updated on 1/9/2023